Arturia Forums
Harware Legacy versions => Origin => Origin Presets & Templates Zone => : Guitarkeyboardplayer December 22, 2010, 07:07:13
I have downloaded the Pink Floyd zip file and unzipped it, now how do I get the presets into Origin? I don't see anything in Origin Connection for doing this.
Thanks for your help.
* Access the file by clicking on a preset bank.
* The file downloaded is a zipped file (.zip).
* Unzip it using a tool like Winzip (PC) or Stuffit (Mac).
* Select "Open the preset folder" in the File menu of Origin Connection
* Open the "Sound Banks" folder and copy the preset bank into it (file extension .ogs)
* Start Origin Connection, or if it's already running click the refresh button
I appreciate your response, unfortunately I'm not computer savy and cannot find anywhere that says import file. If you could please point me to that spot I would greatly appreciate it.
Well spotted, Gary! I was a bit too quick - sorry about that. The instructions on the Origin resource page are wrong, and I made the mistake of assuming it was correct. I have edited my posting above to detail the procedure.
Incidentally the Pink Floyd bank can't be loaded by Origin Connection. The other banks I've tried work fine though.
Thanks DJ, many more presets to play with.
Gary :)
Did you have any luck with the Pink Floyd bank? I still can't get Origin Connection to accept it here...
Yes I was able to download it into Origin. I have Windows XP - SP2.