Arturia Forums

Harware Legacy versions => Origin => Origin Technical Issues => Topic started by: DrJustice on June 03, 2010, 09:07:06 pm

Title: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 03, 2010, 09:07:06 pm
I'm looking at the display from an angle, and noticed that the display looks like it gives the optimal view directly from above. So I tough I'd adjust the contrast as usual with LC displays. However the contrast trimpot seems to do nothing at all. The exposure control seems to control colour saturation or something like that and has no effect on the viewing angle.

Please advice.

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: Superwaldi on June 07, 2010, 07:07:38 am
I can confirm this from my side.

I can't use Origin in a rack at all, because I is impossible to see anything from that angle. I use it as desktop und lifted the backside a little bit up by using "Bräda" from Ikea.
Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 07, 2010, 02:37:32 pm
OK - so the contrast trimpot does nothing for you either? I'm using mine as a desktop unit, sitting a little bit away from it, which is around the three o'clock viewing direction in LCD speak. In this case the colours shift a bit and the contrast of the darker colours disappears so that black and e.g. dark greys all look black. I assume that with rack mounting you'd be likely to look downwards at it, perhaps at around nine the o'clock viewing direction.

What do you say Arturia, shouldn't the contrast trimpot have an effect? Is it likely to be just a bad connection if it doesn't?

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 07, 2010, 02:42:02 pm
I use it as desktop und lifted the backside a little bit up by using "Bräda" from Ikea.
Good idea - I'll try to get hold of one of those :)

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 08, 2010, 11:42:14 pm
Is the contrast trimpot having any effect? Anyone?

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: rcmusic on June 09, 2010, 06:08:48 pm
Is the contrast trimpot having any effect? Anyone?


working here! and i must say that i have always used my origin racked. before it was racked on a straight (?) rack and some angles were not the best to see the screen. i changed my rack system a few weeks ago and now it just a little inclined and the screen looks great.

My home studio (just missing the tenori ON i just bought:

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 09, 2010, 07:12:13 pm
Thank you rcmusic!

That means it's time to open up the Origin and check for bad connections and/or measure the contrast voltage... I may do an internals photo session while I'm at it.

Oh, and that's a nice studio you've got there, with an excellent selection of synths :)

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: rcmusic on June 09, 2010, 07:38:06 pm
thanx DJ

maybe you should ask the arturia support before open your origin, don't take any risk !
Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 16, 2010, 06:20:59 pm
RC, I took your advice and mailed Arturia support, however they do not respond to my e-mails.

Perhaps Arturia wants to respond here - it seems a trivial matter that I might be able to fix without sending the unit back (I've got quite a bit of electronic equipment servicing under my belt...)

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: BobTheDog on June 17, 2010, 08:00:01 am
Hi DJ,

Welcome to Arturia Customer Support (or severe lack of it!).

I had the same issue when I first got it, your unit is not faulty I would think.

The manual has the pots described incorrectly, I have some info somewhere I will dig out on how to set it up, let me try to find it........

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: BobTheDog on June 17, 2010, 08:03:53 am
Here is what I got:

Hi Andrew,

Your screen might not been defective.

Referring to page 15 of your favorite synthesizer User's Manual, there is a mismatch between both "Exposure" and "Contrast" trimmers. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. :-/
So please replace both terms with each other, and you'll be up to set your machine.

Here is the process:
_ set the Exposure to about 90% of the trim course;
_ set the Contrast to your best convenience, based on view angle.

We are currently correcting the Origin user's manual based on upcoming v1.1 version. The PDF will reflect this correction.

Feel free to come back to me if I can be any further technical assistance.
Yours musically,


I followed these instructions and managed to get a decent display, it is variable on viewing angle though I just went for a happy medium in the end.

The screen is definitely a weak point but after a while you get used to it!

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: Niccolo on June 17, 2010, 01:52:44 pm
In fact, the names for these controls have not been chosen well, and their description in the manual is wrong. The trimpot on the right is not really the contrast but more something related to the screen sync. It has a very subtle effect, so you should not worry if you don't see any effect. Tweak it only if you encounter some display problems (like horizontal lines moving up and down through the screen).
Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on June 17, 2010, 02:33:53 pm
Thanks Andy and Niccolo!

The contrast reacts a bit different than I'm used to re. LCD viewing angle adjustment. However, I've now done like Andy and found a happy medium. The exposure does indeed look best at around 90%, the display gets 'calmer' at that position.

Looking forward to a revised manual ;)

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: paulshillito on July 06, 2010, 03:25:58 pm
I think the problem of the limited display angle is due the fact that Arturia have used a passive LCD display and not an active TFT display, this is the same problem that you used to have when the first colour laptops came out as they only had passive displays back then and had a very narrow viewing angle (though they sold it a security feature so people behind you could not easly see what you were doing  ::).

Its a shame that for the money the Origin cost that they could not have sourced a TFT display similar to that used in the Roland V-Synth GT which I have, is the same size and where you can see the display well from very low angles, that is also a touch screen which would have been really great on the Origin as it is a treat to use on the Roland.

Title: Re: Display Contrast and Exposure
Post by: DrJustice on July 10, 2010, 11:53:57 pm
Its a shame that for the money the Origin cost that they could not have sourced a TFT display similar to that used in the Roland V-Synth GT which I have, is the same size and where you can see the display well from very low angles, that is also a touch screen which would have been really great on the Origin as it is a treat to use on the Roland.
I'd buy an updated Origin with a TFT touch screen. And I'd buy the TFT/touch upgrade kit for the current one :)
