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V Collection - Legacy versions => Mini V => Mini V Technical Issues => Topic started by: Sabatini on May 31, 2010, 08:03:53 am

Title: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on May 31, 2010, 08:03:53 am
Dear all,

just want to let everybody know, that I was so FRUSTRATED and SAD, about  the buggy arturia software, that I went to my music shop  last week and bought the original Mg

miniMg (voyager)

and... what should I say, I can go on making music again.

Time is now gone, when I wasted several hours a week, only for making a buggy software to run.
Installing endless updates - resulting in pain and misery, bringing things only from bad to worse.
(concerning the whole 10 years bundle - its a never ending story)

I want to mention, that the core sound engine of the arturia instruments is really convincing and sounds great.
But the bed around (copy protection, MIDI implementation, installation, plugin compatibility, general fuckups etc...) makes it unusable in a professional studio environment at this time.

Still trying now for month, to make it work in a production surrounding studio failed.
Antoines first response to problems, was always quick -
but when explaining a detail of problems  - he (she it?) disappeared.....
great help - many thanks.

So at the moment I am fed up with arturia software. Maybe I come back when the software has grown up.

At the moment it seems to me more like a toy,  for anybody making schoolyard music - sorry to say.
Especially in a professional surrounding (with MACs)  it is necessary, that the interfaces and drivers to many kinds of different outboards are working perfect - but arturia sucks completely in all belongings. It might be, that it works great, installed on a notebook, standalone in use with one USB device - I guess, it might be so, can not confirm.
Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: akiz on May 31, 2010, 01:19:02 pm
Dear friend,

I feel your frustration as i had a terrible situation years ago with Stein"bug" software.
I work in a environment with Macpro & Macbook pro as well, every day using mostly MiniMgV, ProphetV (and the others occasionally) without any issues so far. All i want to say is that the generalization such "Arturia sucks" is not fair since the users with issues are the minority. I'm not related to Arturia and don't want to sound like a fanboy but i use their software since 2004 without any major issues.
Use the support form, from your account and i believe they will help you, just give them some time.
Wish you get over this soon! Enjoy your MiniMg Voyager!  :)

Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on May 31, 2010, 07:17:41 pm

I can say - that f.e. the logic software, works with my outboard great, as same with my other plugin software. 
For hardware, I am using MOTU 896´s as Audio Interfaces, some MOTU Express128 and several sophisticated Unitor8 as MIDI Interfaces.
All working great with other software.  I have only unsolvable problems with the Arturia.

And - I wrote several times to the support, getting suspect answers like....Did you check the knowledgebase... (not worth to say, that the knowledgebase has no entry, concerning my issues)
After getting the same text for several different issues, with still no content, for that problem  in the knowledge base - I felt a little taken on a ride ! Yes, Antoine, I do so.
I am a tolerant person, really - but Arturia burned all their credits at me.

At this time the Arturia software -> altogether the 10 years suite, made me, as summed in hours, I wasted about more then one week.
I was not able to solve. So I hired an expert. I spent money for a special MAC administrator and spent money for a second studio software professional - both with the result - they can not help me - the problem is ARTURIA software itself.

So my bills for the experts are now much more than the software - and no result.
I am not stingy in making investments. I always pay a fair price - so I expect a fair QUALITY.
My environment is not really exotic - its studio standard for professionals. The Mac is a brand new one, without any strange software installings - but
 Arturia software is not makeable to run properly by all the experts.

So I can only repeat - ARTURIA SUCKS

It does not make a difference, that the DSP-core-engines of the software is really sounding great, when it works. – yes I can confirm that.
But it is now like a car, you´ve bought - looking beautiful, but the engine itself  is always on strike. So the car is not usable - as same as Arturia software is in this stadium.

Maybe my statement will prevent some other professionals from wasting TIME (not talking about the money) with Arturia software - before its grown up completely.
Then maybe - I will give Arturia another chance.

I am a producer – earning my money in music things.
Be aware, I am not a student, and not a beta tester - I have to provide my family with my incomings. When I am spending time in software- It is necessary to see a result – if not, I am running with loss. Maybe if you will take a look from my point of view, you will understand.

Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on May 31, 2010, 07:29:45 pm
I forgot to say............

from a good support I can expect, that they give me an advice, about a known running environment and software ->OS combination with OSX.
But nothing -
Arturia support Germany said - its an OSX problem - no comments
my snow leopard is latest version - but nobody can tell me which version of OSX makes Arturia running -
MAYBE if you combine 2 sicks you will get one healthy ---  :o

Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: akiz on June 01, 2010, 12:00:00 am

I have to admit that if i was in your shoes i might be even more frustrated than you. I feel you
100%, since i'm not a student or someone who's fooling around with music creation "toys".
I make my living through music production as well, i want my hard earned cash to be well spend on things that make my music creation a bless and not a curse. I had a very bad experience with Steinberg's software on Mac and this company is dead for me (i know the feeling of let down).
My working configuration is a MacPro 2008 Octacore, 2.8Ghz, 8Gb ram, running OSX 10.5.8, Logic Pro 9.1.1. My audio interface is a TC Konnekt, i have a UAD-2 and a PowerCore firewire too. I use lots of software from almost all the major vendors (no cracks or pirated versions here). I use this setup everyday for 2 years without any major issues so far. I apologize if my previous post made you a bit angry but i just wanna say that anger leeds nowhere. I can help if you want, since the official support don't care to help their customer someone has to do! We're humans after all (Daft Punk-ish). ::)

Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on June 02, 2010, 05:27:03 am
@ akiz

many thanks for your offer to help,

but - I guess, the result will be the same, as that of the experts
Arturia has to do their job - making their software run - thats all.

And - I have now the original HARDWARE - what should I say -

I T  F E E L S  D A M M N D   G O O D

so its too late!

To keep me away from wasting more time with arturia, I can only say

Add.Delete - completed its job  ;D

I am FREE ::)
Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on June 02, 2010, 05:30:09 am
By the way -

does anybody need a 10 years suite  :P
so mail me
Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Antoine on June 03, 2010, 12:03:05 pm
Sabatini, I just received a PM by 10th of May, which I replied same day directly by email, but never got any feedback from you.  ???
I can understand your frustration, but had you replied to my mail this discharge of anger possibly would have never happened.  ::)
So please check you mailbox and let me know.
Title: Re: Fed up and frustrated about abrturia software
Post by: Sabatini on June 04, 2010, 04:38:04 am

what should I say (or write)
sorry, but now I have to start the fire.

Of course you got an answer with all details of several problems - with the remark, that the knowledge base does not offer any similar issues.

Then you disappeared - in silence, up to now.
.....maybe YOU have to check you mailbox as well

some of your funny messages are not worth the bits to send, sorry.
It seems to me, that you do not really pay attention to the issue mails.
Answering them with some standard letters out of your drawers, to win more time.

Maybe you expect from my side, for every instrument of the 10 years suite, an extra letter?
Hm, I did not, cause my common sense prevented me from doing so.

......and not in the mood, of going ahead with arturia at this time
Maybe - when Arturia managed the primary bugs - and developed a install routine, that makes it possible, to install and go, as other software can do. (installtation, copy protection, MIDI drivers, Audio drivers, plugin compatibility and so on).
At the moment its only the most bloody job I have ever done, installing a 10 years suite.......
its pain, pain, pain, pain
and..... I do not want to waste more time, in writing, and reading, threads and mails now.
By the way - you are welcome in my studio to make the system running.