Arturia Forums
Harware Legacy versions => Analog Factory => Analog Factory Technical Issues => Topic started by: frankie.orlando on September 16, 2008, 11:44:52 am
I just DL AF 2.2 and i found out that
AF 2.2 crashes instantly when Jupiter presets are used.
intel core duo 1,66
AF 2.2 also crashes on my XP SP2 (HE)/C2D T7700 immediately after database initilization.
MS' dialog says the error was caused by Jupiter V8 dll. I could never launch AF2.2 in standalone mode.
as a VSTi, it can be launched from Cubase 4.5.2; but double clicking the preset list resulted in Cubase 4.5.2 crash. don't know if I should report this to Arturia or Steinberg.
that happend to at first, too. <- crashing in standalone mode
but then i de-installed AF 2.2 completely
and installed it new after a reboot
now it works as far as you dont use jupiter presets
now its arturias turn
thanks for the tip. I'll try re-installing AF2.2 and see what happens after a reboot.
self follow-up.
uninstalled upgraded AF2.2 (from AF2.0), then rebooted.
renamed a folder "Program Files\arturia\Analog Factory" to something else,
and then re-installed AF2.2 from the downloaded installer.
now it launches as a standalone application.
but as mentioned, AF2.2 crashes when switching from one Jupiter 8V patch to
another Jupiter 8V patch.
am seriously considering switching back to AF2.0 which at least was more stable in my environment.
We are currently investigating this filthy bug, which has crossed our initial tests.
More info soon; I locked the developers room's door, they won't get out before they solve this.
Waiting for 2.2.x to be released, here is the direct link to 2.0:
==> (
Dear Mac OS X users, think about deleting the cached installer first: /Library/Receipts/Analog\ Factory.pkg
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
thank you for the status update and direct link to the ftp directory.
looking forward to seeing v2.2.x
Thanks for keeping us informed.
I had same problem - AF2.2 opened in Standalone, and worked fine, until I chose a Jupiter8 preset, then it crashed. It did work fine, even J8 patches, in VST mode, which is more important to me.
Been having the same crash as well, emailed tech support but it's good to see arturia is on it thx for the update Antoine.
OS X 10.5.5
Pro Tools LE 7.4.2
Analog Factory 2.2 does not show up in the Pro Tools plugins list even though it is definitely in the plugins folder.
Logic 8.0.2 - Crashes
Standalone - Mostly crashes as above posts state
2.0 is not really an option for Pro Tools as it does play back from recorded Instrument tracks (only from MIDI keyboard)
Please sort it out!
Works fine here... OSX 10.5.5 Logic 8.0.2 AF2.2 loads faster, the splash screen shows up now, and it uses less cpu! Wait, Oh crap... The Jupiter presets DO crash it! Well everything else works better. Ha! Frankly the J8 presets aren't my favorites anyway ;)
what happens when you double-click a preset in the preset list (browser) when AF2.2 is running as a VSTi?
I haven't tried this after the re-installation, but it crashed Cubase 4.5.2 on Win XP.
I just want to know if that is because the host was Cubase 4.5, or because AF2.2 is unstable.
Installed AF 2.2 crashed Cubase when changing presets and won't run as a standalone.................gone back to 2.0 and it works fine !
Will wait until Arturia fix it.
I'm running the latest version (V2.2) of Analog Factory Experience with Pro Tools 7.4.2 on an Intel 2Ghz Quad Mac (3Gb) RAM. The software runs fine in standalone mode, but when I try to run it as an RTAS plug in within Pro Tools it doe snot appear in the plug in list. I have tried this on a mono and stereo audio track, aux input and instrument track.
I originally had V2.0 of Analog Factory Experience. This did not work in Pro Tools LE 7.4.2 under OSX 10.5.4. I was advised to await the new patch by Arturia.
I downloaded the new V2.2 and installed this on top of the original V2 installation. It did not work, so I removed the old version and reinstalled and it still did not work inside Pro Tools. Standalone was fine.
The .dpm file is installed in the Digidesign plug ins directory. I watched this happen during the installation process. It is only about 8Kb in size.
I have done all that was stated in the reference manual.
I guess I'm doing better than most with the Jupiter V8. Mine does not crash, but I have little or no volume on any of the J8 programs.
The J8 is in serious need of reprogramming for AF.
I'm sure we will see another software update soon from Arturia as soon as these posts are scanned by Application development. I work in IT, so I know it bothers programmers when there are bugs in there creations.
I'm mostly a hardware synth guy, I play live and love my Korgs I have been playing electronic music for 30 years. I don't see why these problems cannot and will not be addressed and fixed soon. I might be convinced to at least partially to ;) trust software synths as much as I rely and trust my hardware to work every time.