Arturia Forums

Harware Legacy versions => Analog Factory => Analog Factory Technical Issues => Topic started by: Antoine on June 23, 2008, 11:27:57 am

Title: v1.0 licenses confusion
Post by: Antoine on June 23, 2008, 11:27:57 am
Hi dear Analog Factory addicts,

You may have noticed that the Analog Factory license always show "1.0", independently of the real version you're running (1.x or 2.x). This can be quite confusing as 2.x AF licenses are transferable, and 1.x are not.

A clarification should occur with the next License Control Center update to come, hopefully this week; the LCC will now show 2.0 version for AF 2.x (including "Experience") users.

Little details make better usability.
Title: Re: v1.0 licenses confusion
Post by: unogeek on February 04, 2009, 10:11:09 pm
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i noticed my licence on on dongle still says 'Analog Factory 1.0'. I got my software when the dongle was supplied in the box

I am successfully using 2.2.1

Does this really matter, but I would prefer it to say v2.

Title: Re: v1.0 licenses confusion
Post by: Antoine on February 05, 2009, 09:08:26 am
Just update your LCC (, it will now show license v2.0.
Title: Re: v1.0 licenses confusion
Post by: unogeek on February 05, 2009, 07:22:02 pm
I tried that and updated  and the licence control center to v  and AF still says 1.0.

Not too bothered though, everything works fine