Arturia Forums

V Collection - Legacy versions => CS-80V => CS-80V Users Community => Topic started by: Anonymous on November 21, 2003, 02:47:39 pm

Title: File Upload has been allowed
Post by: Anonymous on November 21, 2003, 02:47:39 pm

In order to face an increasing demand for sharing presets, the 'File Upload' feature of this forum has been enabled.

Are allowed:
- preset banks with .ays (CS-80V) and .amb (MMV) extensions
- files under 110 Kb
- upload in 'Users Community' sections only

Any abuse will be punished !!  :evil:  :twisted:

The Administrator/Moderator
Title: No file upload available
Post by: WB on March 28, 2005, 02:07:31 pm
Dear admin,

You claim file upload to be available but it does not appear to be.
No attachments can be added to posts if that's still the way to go about.
Some of the folks using these forums, including myself are rearing to share, please allow sharing!

Rolling Eyes

Best regs

Title: File Upload has been allowed
Post by: omissis on March 28, 2005, 02:24:54 pm
I sent my bank ( which is still in BETA version, beware and let me know ) directly to the webmaster via e-mail , it maybe will see the light in the next few days... :roll:
Title: File Upload has been allowed
Post by: Boulotaur2024 on January 28, 2007, 03:33:02 pm
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to build a website/forum with a Cs-80v user presets upload feature (browsable/searchable by description etc...) :

1) Would you be interested in it ?

2) Are there legal issues involved I wouldn't be aware of ?

The 'engine' of the website's actually already done, still I need to address these issues : )

( (

( (
Title: Sharing's good
Post by: WB on January 31, 2007, 05:48:57 pm
Don't know about legal issues but if we crafted the presets ourselves that should not be an issue..
I say go for it!
Title: File Upload has been allowed
Post by: Boulotaur2024 on February 01, 2007, 01:03:48 am
Ok, site is online :

Not much content so far of course, I've already written a tutorial about how to upload presets, it would be cool if someone could write another one explaining how to export presets out of the V, I'm actually very busy at the moment so it's hard to work on the site further for now.

Enjoy your visit !
Title: File Upload has been allowed
Post by: WB on February 02, 2007, 02:51:19 pm
Excellent Boulotaur2024!
I've uploaded some presets there.

Come on you lot reading this, support the initiative!
Allow those hours of tweaking to be heard!