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V Collection - Legacy versions => CS-80V => CS-80V Technical Issues => Topic started by: bg on October 27, 2003, 05:19:04 pm

Title: Initial Pitch Bend observations
Post by: bg on October 27, 2003, 05:19:04 pm
Initial Pitch Bend function should be a little slower and allow for greater pitch bend.

Listen to the "Alaska" intro by U.K.  On the actual CS-80, the Initial Pitch Bend on the high descending fifths is a bit slower and sweeps up from a slightly lower pitch.  Even with MIDI veloicties edited to 127, the CS-80V does not bend enough and bends too quickly.

Is CS-80V keyboard scaling of Initial Pitch Bend authentic?  i.e. The lower the note on the keyboard, the less Initial Pitch Bend has an effect.  This is probably correct, but perhaps it scales off too quickly.
Title: initial pitchbend
Post by: vanheckis on January 12, 2004, 09:24:20 pm
the real CS80 has a totally different kind of initial pitch bend. when the slider is set to maximum, the range is only a semi-tone, maybe a whole tone at the most but the CS80V jumps from a note about an octave lower and the jump is also too fast.

listen to track 4 (titled "the plum bossom") from 2'03" to 2'30" from Vangelis' CHINA album. that's how initial pitch bend should sound.  

Title: Re: initial pitchbend
Post by: bg on January 20, 2004, 04:34:34 pm
Quote from: "vanheckis"
the real CS80 has a totally different kind of initial pitch bend. when the slider is set to maximum, the range is only a semi-tone, maybe a whole tone at the most but the CS80V jumps from a note about an octave lower and the jump is also too fast.

I don't understand your statement regarding the real CS80 having a totally different kind of inital picth bend.  Your correct description of the real CS80 initial pitch bend is implemented on the CS-80V in the way you describe.  Although I posted earlier that the CS-80V Initial Pitchbend bends to the target pitch a little too quickly and should bend up from a slightly lower pitch, I do not hear it jump "from a note about an octave lower...".  Was that a typo?

listen to track 4 (titled "the plum bossom") from 2'03" to 2'30" from Vangelis' CHINA album. that's how initial pitch bend should sound.  


Thanks for suggesting this.  I bought the CD just to hear "Plum Blossom," and yes the excerpt you noted is a good performance example of CS-80 inital pitchbend.
Title: Re: initial pitchbend
Post by: vanheckis on January 21, 2004, 12:18:32 pm
Quote from: "bg
Although I posted earlier that the CS-80V Initial Pitchbend bends to the target pitch a little too quickly and should bend up from a slightly lower pitch, I do not hear it jump "from a note about an octave lower...".  Was that a typo?

no typo. maybe an octave jump is a bit of an exaggeration on my part but the first audible sound is hard to detect and it's from a pitch way below the target pitch while it should be a mere semi- or whole tone. Also, the first sound (before the target pitch) should have 0 attack.

anyway, initial pitch bend should sound like that "plum blossom" example. it's also the way my own real cs80 sounds.

in general, i think the cs80v is a good first effort. but still.. a lot has to be improved on characteristics. another example on the topic of bending notes is the differences in the ribbon controller. when, on the real cs80, you remove your finger from the ribbon controller, the traveling time back to the original note is ZERO. That is a very characterisitic feature on the cs80 and a significant difference from the pitch benders you find normally on the left of any modern keyboard. with those, it's impossible to generate this effect. when working with your computer mouse you can pick a position on on the ribbon controller and click, but when released, there's still a (little) travel time back to the original note. therefore i suspect that this will unfortunately be no different when i would use a midi controller with a ribbon controller but maybe someone might proof me wrong?
Title: Initial pitchbend
Post by: slingsby on November 21, 2005, 12:38:20 am
I used to have a CS80 and from what I remember the pitchbend was not only slower but also more responsive to velocity
Title: Re: Initial pitchbend
Post by: bg on November 21, 2005, 03:58:42 pm
Quote from: "slingsby"
I used to have a CS80 and from what I remember the pitchbend was not only slower but also more responsive to velocity

slingsby, thanks for confirming this.  I really hope it gets some attention in the next upgrade.  Arturia, please listen to these 3 short audio clips:

Classic CS-80 ( Initial Pitchbend
CS-80V ( with I-PB slider maximum and full MIDI velocity
Oasys PCI ( synth with adjustable pitch ramp.  Almost identical to the original.

In short, I-PB should be:
1. Slower
2. Deeper
3. More velocity responsive.
Title: Initial Pitch Bend observations
Post by: omissis on November 24, 2005, 05:33:00 pm
Does the cs80V file come froma a 1.5?
Title: Initial Pitch Bend observations
Post by: poropat on November 24, 2005, 09:41:45 pm
on my CS80v 1.5 (Windows XP) seems the I-PB slider does nothing at all
even with maximum velocity, and I seem remember in previous
versions this slider worked. :?
Title: Initial Pitch Bend observations
Post by: bg on November 25, 2005, 04:43:05 pm
Quote from: "omissis"
Does the cs80V file come froma a 1.5?

The mp3 file creation date is February, 2005, so it's from ver. 1.2.