Arturia Forums

V Collection - Legacy versions => Modular V => Modular V Technical Issues => Topic started by: guest on October 19, 2003, 06:45:14 pm

Title: technical problems opinion
Post by: guest on October 19, 2003, 06:45:14 pm
Hi folks,

I read so much about "sounds good, but is still unstable", "buggy software" here.

Hey! Only half of the blame goes to arturia! The other half goes out to all us hopeless wintel users. Most of the problems result of this sick hardware/software combinations. All these overloaded systems, gigs of software, tons of dllīs. The lack is the principle, not the result!

But we all are so greedy for new soft, new processors, better, faster, better, faster.....

Its all the same since ten years....better, faster, better, faster.

And then? At least a half year after a soft is releasead nobody ask for!

Whats about the hyped rebirth338, absynth, oh, I dont remeber all the names.


The maximum it goes are 1.1 versions, still with lots of bugs of course.

And thats the fault of the developers.

Hey Arturia folks, why dont you release a improved, stabeler version  of Mgular first instead of these cs80 V. Do you like to have two half finished products in your programm? Or are there deals with Mg, yamaha? Make it palatable to us, just a little appetizing? But then go and buy the originals.....(just thinking).

I know, its so boring to work with old code, seen it a thousand times, no motivation no more, lets make new things. Maybe thtas the true, but only for you.

So what I have to tell?

Userīs: Make small stable systems. Install the minimum of hard and software possible.

Developerīs: Continue working with old code, although itīs boring. Dont leave anything half-finished (you know, windows itself is half-finished, the soundcards are, your software maybe too, say, whats the result???)

Anyway, I am not that smartie to know all better, thats just my 5 cents to give.


Continuing this you will be forgotten as all the others soon.
Title: MMV updates
Post by: gilles on October 21, 2003, 06:05:29 pm

Thank you for posting your opinion on this general topic of computer systems stability. Just to add my own 5 cents, as far as Arturia is concerned, I want people in this list to know that :
- We are not stopping the support on the Mg Modular V. The CS-80V helped us fixing some compatibility problems we have had with the new versions of Pro Tools (6.x) and Digital Performer (4.x).  The changes we have made for the CS-80V will be added to the Mg Modular V through a patch we will release in two weeks (sorry for those who have been long waiting for this patch. I am sure they will be satisfied with the new version).
- A lot of other -real- problems that we are aware of (mostly requests for new features or improvements) should be included in an update we will publish next year for the MMV.
- Some problems that have been discussed in this list only happen with cracked versions of the Mg Modular V (see the previous post, same day). We leave the messages unchanged on the list, despite the bad image they give of our product.  However we want people to know that the best way to have a stable system is to buy software, not use cracks.

That's it !

Title: for shure
Post by: guest on October 21, 2003, 07:54:13 pm
....piracy is a bad bad thing. All credits go to Mr. Windows! PCīs will not become as big as they are without cracks. Cracks make Windows big, cracks make the playstation big, thats the bitter pill. Big, bigger, until all diversity is died. Does anyone know about a cracked version of Atari-Logic? But why go and buy an atari version if you can have a windows version for free?

And copy protection makes software unstable and expansive, yes. Real Demoīs (no cripples) can be an answer, also making older things freeware. Maybe I am sounding like an know-it-all again, sorry, but I am a little bit dissatisfied with that all  :evil:  :evil:  :evil: .

For the rest, I am waiting patiently.

Thank you for answering me.
