Arturia Forums
Harware Legacy versions => Origin => Origin Presets & Templates Zone => : hermitnerd January 18, 2013, 04:21:13
one of my favorite and simplest Origin patches.
the raw beauty of analog
each of the 5 voices beating at a different frequency, and detuned from each other
just like god meant it to be : )
I got a error durant tranfert; I'm on 1.4.1 and make 3 try without success.
I'm having the same problem. I get an error message when I try to transfer on OS 1.4.0. Is the file corrupt?
What are you trying to transfer to Origin?
"What are you trying to transfer to Origin?"
The file of hermitnerd who's named poly.ogs ; it's the file attached to the post of hermitnerd.
It fails for me too. The bank is a very small size file, maybe this bank is actually corrupted.
Paul, if you read this thread, could you resave your poly preset in another bank so that I can check if this is a reproducible behaviour?
Sorry about that - not sure how it happened.
Here is the "full" version of the program :)
No problem Paul. Thank you for this new preset.
Thanks for another great patch!
Thx for this patch; you are the best