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V Collection - Legacy versions => CS-80V => CS-80V Users Community => Topic started by: jdeborde on November 08, 2005, 10:37:51 pm

Title: weird graphic behavior and sound corruption in dp
Post by: jdeborde on November 08, 2005, 10:37:51 pm
when i instantiate cs-80v 1.5 in dp, there is a weird graphic error where none of the control sliders are visible. if i click on a specific parameter, the slider becomes visible and i can move it, but the rest remain invisible.

likewise, there seems to be some patch corruption too, where many of the patches have the same short looping sound, not unlike a siren.

anyone know what's going on here and how to fix it?


Title: weird graphic behavior and sound corruption in dp
Post by: jdeborde on November 15, 2005, 04:09:05 am
just reporting back on this in case anyone has the same problem.

when i upgraded to my G5, i just ran the installer for v1.5.

so, i uninstalled, went back and installed 1.2, then upgraded to 1.5, and cs-80v seems to be acting normally now.

Title: weird graphic behavior and sound corruption in dp
Post by: bg on November 15, 2005, 03:06:20 pm
Yeah, I have had graphic weirdness too, but allocating more memory to the host program (DP/OS9) seems to have fixed it.  Perhaps your G5 has more RAM.