Arturia Forums

Controllers => KeyLab MkII => KeyLab MkII - General Discussions => Topic started by: Crumb$ on April 14, 2023, 04:15:31 pm

Title: Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: Crumb$ on April 14, 2023, 04:15:31 pm

I just bought the keylab61 mkii to use with my MPC Live.  It's to be used to control the onboard sounds and also external synths via midi.  At this point I'm not desperate to map the controls from the keylab61, but I was hoping that I could use the Transport buttons to start/stop and record arm the MPC.

Looking at the Midi Control Centre software it doesn't look like thats possible.  Does anyone know if it is?

Title: Re: Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: Crumb$ on April 14, 2023, 06:36:56 pm
One other thing, the Play button (and all the transport buttons) seems to be sending note A#5 69.  I'm a bit thrown by that....  Why does the Play button share a note?  If I press it, it plays that note of whatever instrument I've got loaded in.
Title: Re: Midi mapping; Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: Crumb$ on April 14, 2023, 09:50:43 pm
Another question;  on my MPC I notice that when connected over USB, the keylab shows up twice.  Once as DAW and once as MIDI.

Can anyone explain that to me?

Title: Re: Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: Crumb$ on April 22, 2023, 01:31:50 pm
Title: Re: Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: LBH on April 22, 2023, 05:40:29 pm

In a DAW it's normal to set up twice. One as a keyboard controller, and one as a control surface to control the DAW including the transport bar. That's why you have two choices. The DAW option is for the Control Surface.
DAW's have different settings to set up things.
Keylab MK2 have different maps/ Presets to control different DAWs. As far as i know it in example also have Midi Machine Control (MMC) map/ preset and also standard Mackie maps/ presets. You shall select the map/ preset that work. Please consult you Keylab MK2 manual about this.
I have no idea how MPC works and which messages of the above it needs.
If MPC's transport bar only work with midi CC, then you can't use Keylabs transport bar buttons i think, but you can use other buttons.
Title: Re: Can I map the Transport keys?
Post by: Crumb$ on April 27, 2023, 05:39:32 pm
Thank you!