Arturia Forums

Software Instruments => Pigments => Pigments - General Discussions => Topic started by: mobrien666 on March 27, 2023, 12:57:14 am

Title: please help!
Post by: mobrien666 on March 27, 2023, 12:57:14 am
Im having an immense amount of trouble trying to figure out why the response from my pigments vst reacts in the exact way I want it to from my midi controller when I play it normally, UNTIL I hit record in Ableton. As soon as the clock starts running in Ableton, it triggers some kind of filter or lfo response in the vst that changes the pitch and tone of it. Almost like an auto filter or something. It is driving me crazy. I can hit and hold a key down indefinitely when Ableton is not recording or running clock, and it sounds just the way I want it to. But As soon as I try to record it, it changes. I have no idea why this is the case. Any help would be greatly appreciated! it's driving me bonkers.
Title: Re: please help!
Post by: LBH on March 28, 2023, 06:07:15 pm

It sound like your Ableton Live manipulate the plugin somehow.

Check Ableton Lives automations and modulators.
Title: Re: please help!
Post by: Matthieu_Arturia on April 11, 2023, 09:56:46 am
Hello mobrien666

It also sounds like there is a ble hand script running on your MIDI controller.
Make sure to disable it in the MIDI prefs of Ableton.
Hope that helps.