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Software Instruments => MiniFreak V => MiniFreak V - Technical Issues => Topic started by: MartijnS on February 08, 2023, 07:44:56 pm

Title: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 08, 2023, 07:44:56 pm
When I assign a cc control to a parameter and want to assign another parameter after that the parameter before get lost. For instance I select cc74 for the cutoff and after that I want to assign attack to cc 20 when I do this the cc74 gor the cutoff goes away and is blank. Why is this. I have this with all Arturia synths so I assume I do something wrong but I do not know what.

I hope somebody has a solution for this.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: LBH on February 08, 2023, 10:55:17 pm

Please describe what you do step by step.
And are you in standalone mode or in a DAW?
Do you start with an Empty MIDI Config?

Perhaps you click on the parameter you just have assigned, after you see the midi CC has been recognized. But it's hard to tell, especially without more detailed informations.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 09, 2023, 09:13:36 pm
I am working within my daw when adding step by step adding new learn controlsand writing it down I find out that certain cc where not accepted and others are so that was the problem. Now I only have to find out which cc I can assign and which not.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: LBH on February 09, 2023, 10:52:18 pm

Applications have some reserved midi CC's, that can't be assigned freely.

You should not have problems with the midi CC's you mentioned in your first post though.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 10, 2023, 06:31:22 pm
Still got some issues step 1 picture OPX 1
Now I want to assign a cc to osc 1 pwm. I select the osc 1 pwm press on my midicontroller (cc55) and the next is happening see picture OPX 2  a lot of cc's are gone.

I don't know what's going on here. Is this normal?

If I cannot upload 2 picutures see the next post
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 10, 2023, 06:36:06 pm
OPX picture 2
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: LBH on February 10, 2023, 08:42:06 pm
No matter if i'm in standalone mode or in a DAW, then i have no such issue.

I do this:
1. Click the "Learn" button in OP-Xa MIDI config section you show.
2. Click the PWM button you mention in OP-Xa
3. Click a button using the midi CC#55 you mention. The midi CC is assigned. All excisting assigned midi CC's does'nt change at all.

When i then disable "Learn", then all works fine.
I started out with the "default" MIDI config, like it look like you did. (You can try start with an "Empty" to see if it make a difference for you.)

Do you have the issue, both in a DAW and when using OP-Xa in standalone mode? Can it be a DAW related issue?
Is it the same no matter which midi CC you use?
Is it happening in all your Arturia applications? (you can allways try to reinstall one to see of it make a difference.)
Which OS do you use?

FYI: You should be able to upload up to 5 attachments per posts. It's okay you have done like you did.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 12, 2023, 01:13:47 pm
Did some more tests and standalone or within a daw does not change anything. I tried two different midi controllers. The thing is sometimes a cc is going  blanc after assigning another cc. For instance, if I assign cc 60 to attack and I want to assign cc 61 to decay than cc 60 assigned to attack is going blanc. If I assing cc 60 agian to attack cc 61 to decay is going blanc. Really strange.
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: LBH on February 12, 2023, 05:27:00 pm
Yes that's strange.
I assume you have tried my suggestions.
Which OS do you use?
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: MartijnS on February 12, 2023, 07:30:43 pm
Yes I did use all your suggestions. I am on Windows 11. Never have problems with any other company concerning cc assignments so yes it is strage
Title: Re: Midi CC assigning problems
Post by: LBH on February 12, 2023, 07:37:28 pm
Then it's not about your OS.
Strange indeed. I don't have the issue. I'm on Windows 10.
I assume you don't have duplicate installs.
You can also try to clean preferences, just in case.
Otherwise i suggest you contact Arturia support.