Arturia Forums
Controllers => KeyLab MkII => KeyLab MkII - Technical issues => Topic started by: thegearheart on December 30, 2022, 02:16:53 am
I'm having some trouble controlling my rig with my KeyLab mkii. The rig consists of these major parts:
- KeyLab mkii (as my primary controller)
- Elektron Digitone (as my brains/pads)
- Arturia Drumbrute (for analogue drum goodness)
- Behringer 2600 (general purpose lead)
- Pedalboard with various MIDI pedals
Here's how it's connected:
KeyLab mkii -> Digitone MIDI IN
from there:
Digitone MIDI OUT -> Splitter -> Drumbrute, Pedalboard
With this port, I've been able to send START/STOP messages to the DrumBrute and PROG CH & CC messages to the pedalboard (NightSky and Ottobit Jr., for reference). These messages were sent by my Digitone. I haven't been able to get CC messages from my keyboard to my pedalboard (sending on/off or bypass, for example). I want to be able to map my keyboard faders, encoders and toggles to the pedalboard through the DN, but no such luck yet.
Digitone MIDI THRU -> Behringer 2600
I had to move the 2600 to the MIDI THRU because I couldn't get note messages on it otherwise. That's good, but it's not taking any note messages from the Digitone, which is a problem.
Stuff I can do that I want to do
- Start / Stop from DN
- Change Program from DN
- Change Program from DN
- CC messages from DN
Stuff I can't do that I want to do
- Sequence notes from DN
- Start / Stop from KeyLab
- Change Program from KeyLab
- CC messages from KeyLab