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Software Instruments => KORG MS-20 => KORG MS-20 - Technical Issues => Topic started by: LBH on May 15, 2022, 07:31:57 pm

Title: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: LBH on May 15, 2022, 07:31:57 pm
The EG-2 Sustain does'nt seem to work correct when used to modulate the Filters.

Try this:
1. Open New Preset/ Default preset.
3. Set EG2/EXT to maximum for the Lowpass Filters CUTOFF MODULATION.
4. Set EG-2 DECAY and SUSTAIN Level to maximum.
5. Play a note. - Exspected behavior would be you hear a fully sustained sound with LowPass Cutoff fully open, but you nearly hear nothing.
6. Now set the EG-2 SUSTAIN level to minimum. - You get the exspected behavior where DECAY modulate the Lowpass Filters CUTOFF.

It look like the EG-2 SUSTAIN modulate in the wrong direction in this case.
It's the same if you patch the EG-2 output into the LOWPASS FILTER CUTOFF FREQ jack input in the patch panel.
When you use the Negative EG-2 outputs then the Sustain also seems to work in the reverse for both the Filters.

Test the same with the HIGHPASS FILTER and you get the same results.

Basicly this mean you can't modulate the Filters correct with EG-2.

Look like a bug to me.
Tested it on 2 installs.
Anyone else exsperiencing this?
Title: Re: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: LBH on May 15, 2022, 10:23:39 pm
I can add, that it's when the EG-2 is in Classic mode. In Modern mode it work as exspected.
Title: Re: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: Adrien_Arturia on May 16, 2022, 12:01:26 pm

As it seems like a bug, this is actually how a 'real' MS-20 envelope behave, here's why:

A second output of EG2 is routed to the filter’s cutoffs by default, unless a patch cable is plugged in via the patch panel.

This second output behaves differently than the amp output, since the sustain level will never be added to the set cutoff frequency.

Raising the sustain level will not raise the filter’s cutoff as one might expect.
Instead, it moves the envelope below the cutoff frequency by the amount of the sustain level.

This is only audible during the attack and release phases.
In case both are set to their leftmost position, it is not audible.

Raising the sustain level reduces the headroom for the decay, just as it does on a common ADSR envelope.

Reducing the sustain level does not lower the cutoff. However, since it closes the amplifier, the sound will lose volume.

Let me know if that's clear enough  :D


QA Technician - ARTURIA
Title: Re: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: LBH on May 16, 2022, 01:27:58 pm

Thanks for the explanation.

A normal Filter envelope work like the EG-2 in modern mode. The Sustain raise the Filter amount.
I can understand, if the orginal MS-20 did'nt work this way.

I can't find details about what the modern EG-2 is. in the manual.
Yes there are info about the knobs and ranges, but not about if it's a envelope was used in later versions of the hardware. Is that the case?

Why does EG-2 in Modern mode work like i exspect? Why does the modern EG-2 Sustain work different for the Filter modulation than the Sustain in the Classic mode?

MS-20 sound amazing.
Title: Re: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: Adrien_Arturia on May 16, 2022, 04:44:53 pm
" Yes there are info about the knobs and ranges, but not about if it's a envelope was used in later versions of the hardware. Is that the case? "

The envelope behave this way for the MS-20 mk1 et mk2 aswell as the MS-20 mini. I'm not sure about the other versions but I'm almost certain the envelopes are the same.

" Why does EG-2 in Modern mode work like i exspect? Why does the modern EG-2 Sustain work different for the Filter modulation than the Sustain in the Classic mode? "

At some point during the development the modern envelope was working the same as the 'original' MS20. We later decided to change it and basically 'modernise' the 'modern' envelope (thanks to our beta testers).
Title: Re: EG-2 Sustain Filter Mod issue.
Post by: LBH on May 16, 2022, 05:45:48 pm
Thanks for the info Adrien.

So the original MS-20 EG-2 had a speciel behavior when used to modulate the Cutoff. It seems like a bug, but it is'nt.
I do think i can remember this, when i for many yers ago tried a hardware Korg MS-20 a couple of minutes.
Not enough to remember it's generel sound, so st this posint i have no reference to the emulation of sound, but the two different filter types certainly sound different like i believe is correct.
It's possible to make both very smooth and vere rough sounds.

I understand, that the modern EG-2 never have been a part of any original MS-20. It's an added feature in Arturia version.