Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: ph Neutre on February 22, 2022, 12:43:21 pm
Hello community!
I have a problem for some time that has arisen without explanation... (Updated firmware)
The arp mode is completely messed up, I plate a few notes or chords, it works for a very short time and they end up getting blocked... So much so that I have to turn off the KSP to solve the problem...
Has anyone ever had this problem?
Thank you :)
I posted issues with arp and CV a long time ago. They replied this on August 2021 (it's been a while...)
"I've notified the developer who is in charge of the firmware and a big rework of the code for the cv handling is planned for the next revision of the firmware which should alleviate all related issues".
In my experience, arpeggios work better on FW 2.0. If you revert to 2.0 you should not turn off the midi outs for the channels (that bug was fixed for 2.0.1 but they made the arps worse...your call here)
Ah thank you very much ffernandez, I will try this!
with FW 2.0.0 I cannot vary note cv gate length for arpeggios. It seems as though gate length is set to a constant of nearly 100% of note length. A possibly related problem is CV arpeggios go crazy after 30 seconds or so. It seems that there are stuck notes and the pitch gets stuck on these stuck notes. Gate stays high during this time. Switching to seq mode and playing the stuck notes unsticks them, and gate finally goes off.
I will post a separate thread on this problem but thought I'd check here with some other modular arpeggiatoradors.
regarding my problem with stuck notes and unchanging CV gate length:
upgrade to FW 2.0.1 seems to have fixed this. note also I had MIDI output off for channels 1,2 and 3 which I have heard is implicated in messed up CV output. Anyway, working now, rotate gate length knob to, um, change the CV gate length duty while arpeggiating. working fine so far.