Arturia Forums
Hardware Instruments => PolyBrute => PolyBrute - Feature requests => Topic started by: larioso on December 12, 2021, 03:51:10 pm
This new nicety with display of parameters as you touch a knob or slider are great.
But think inner ring is to show a marker of stored value, I think, if just loaded a preset.
It seems to on level knob on Steiner and Ladder at least.
Moving morph knob to B, it shows another value for marker as well.
But absent on most places, maybe this is due to deadline of firmware all of it.
Put it here in feature requests as I feel not a severe issue.
But would be nice if working like that everywhere.
The hold [Preset] and move knobs and sliders though are brilliant and perfect as from before.
As preset is loaded, it shows stored value with a marker.
But noticed it also shows last value as you exit that feature next time you enter, so must be recognized if moved it before.
But now it shows as you left it last time which works fine for me, usually dial in immediately to stored value using it from a loaded preset.
The inner ring is B value, the outer ring is A value. as far as i know, there is no indicator for stored value.
You are right about that, moving morph over to B and touch ladder level the inner circle is moving a marker.
But don't think this is as intended, it does not make sense how it works.
Not compared to hold Preset + touch you can get fully predictable result.
I did like this.
Init preset
move ladder level to 9 am or so.
move morph to B fully
move ladder level to 3 pm or so.
Now press Preset and move ladder level.
These last set values are shown on knob A and B correctly, 9am on A and 3pm on B.
Fully predictable.
If just moving ladder level to display parameters, no preset held, I cannot make sense of it at all.
I don't think this is as intended.
If display parameters, no preset held, would work like as when preset is held would be nice.
I see no logic to how it works now.
But hold Preset thingy is a lifesaver.
It works like they intended, it's just that Arturia badly needs to hire a UX designer for the onscreen UI. They treated the onscreen interface as a bit of an afterthought, and so they keep getting little details like this wrong. Every single youtuber who reviewed 2.0 assumed that the new visualizations showed the stored value. If they had kept the same visual style as the Preset + touch feature, where A and B are clearly labelled, there would be no confusion. Strange because Arturia clearly knows how to do UI... Pigments is a work of art and the hardware layout on the PolyBrute is superb.
Since the visual of envelopes requires half the space and is really nice, the knob there have less space.
So if same behavior as preset + touch it would be a one hand operation, not two hands.
Inner and outer ring are there, just some adjustment to it where dots are as shown.
Master Cutoff override everything - always show current value. Not sure if that is always live and not stored value as well with preset?
But not a biggy, and why I put it here and not among Issues.
But could be a deadline thingy, after all firmware update, PBC update and manual as well, that is quite an undertaking.
It works like they intended, it's just that Arturia badly needs to hire a UX designer. They treated the onscreen interface as a bit of an afterthought, and so they keep getting little details like this wrong. Every single youtuber who reviewed 2.0 assumed that the new visualizations showed the stored value. If they had kept the same visual style as the Preset + touch feature, where A and B are clearly labelled, there would be no confusion.
Agree 100%