Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - Feature Requests => Topic started by: tartpop on September 26, 2021, 02:18:09 am
I've longed for this feature since I ordered my KSP (pre pandemic, lol) but OH how i wish you could set individual drum notes to have individual midi channels, in order to run the korg electribe (or multiple drum machines.)
I have purchased a retrokits rk002 to achieve this, and, you know, it works, but I sure do with the KSP supported this functionality natively.
ha ha how pathetic am i, frowning at 800 bucks worth of gear on a saturday because it won't do the thing i want.
disgusted with myself!
I have put this exact request in with Arturia already, so it is already logged, HOWEVER, I suggest you do the same, as they work on a 'vote/popularity' principle, where the more a feature gets requested, the better the chance of it being implemented.
Please contact support and let them know your thoughts and feelings on the matter and hopefully one day, we will see this included, in a future update! I too am crossing my fingers! 8)
Yeah, this would be a great feature
I agree with the original poster, this would be a useful feature!