Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: Oskilate on June 16, 2021, 09:26:34 am
Now i have a new problem !!!
Sinds a view days. When sycling thru a sequence (in this case track 4) on totally unpredictable moments the Pitch cv stops sending correct voltages!!! Rhythm keeps on running for about 1 1/2 measures than it continues correct. (So notes suddenly all have the same pitch) Oooo please let someone have a solution for this. The fun in using the keystep pro is completely gone for me now. I don’t understand where this is coming from. Please help
check that the track is in mono mode (I'm sure you have, just mentioning it. poly mode made surprising voltages appear in my experience)
I posted a similar issue when using arpeggios, sometimes it gets stuck on the same note, others change randomly, and same weird timing issues