Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: xArt_Vandelayx on April 05, 2021, 10:31:07 pm

Title: Weird Problem with BSP and Ableton
Post by: xArt_Vandelayx on April 05, 2021, 10:31:07 pm
Hey, I'm an Ableton noob and at the moment use Live 10 Lite mainly for recording purposes. I only record in the arrangement view and don't use the Clip/Session functions at all. I have the Beatstep Pro that controls two hardware synthesizer (via CV) and a Korg Volca Sample (via Midi). I tried to connect the Beatstep Pro to Ableton via it's Control Mode to be able to dial some things in, mainly because I just wanted to see how/if it works out. I must have set something up wrong at some point because now I face this strange problem:

I want to record 3 instruments at once like I usually do. So I create 3 Audio Tracks, arm them and hit record. Then I hit play on the BSP and what happens is that all tracks record just fine, but track 2 ALWAYS starts recording a short Clip in the session view, and not only records it but simultaneously plays it back while I'm still recording everything else. What is really weird is that I can work around this by creating another Audio Track and just not use track 2 at all. It's always only track 2 that does this, and I have no idea how it happened and how I can stop it from happening.

I've tried turning everything off and on again, which didn't help. I think I narrowed the problem down to it not being Ableton but some Beatstep Pro setting I still couldn't find because I found out that the problem only occurs in the one Project on the BSP that I was working on yesterday. If I switch to an older one or create a new one it's gone...

I also can find nothing in the Ableton or the BSP settings that causes this, so I'd be glad for any help. Thanks in advance for any tips!
Title: Re: Weird Problem with BSP and Ableton
Post by: oblivion on April 15, 2021, 02:37:53 pm
I’d run a MIDI monitor and capture both projects and look for some extra CC or other command being sent in your tweaked project.