Arturia Forums

V Collection - Legacy versions => CS-80V => CS-80V Technical Issues => Topic started by: Jimzushi on August 18, 2005, 06:19:16 pm

Title: Update Problem
Post by: Jimzushi on August 18, 2005, 06:19:16 pm
I purchased the Vintage Collection but I cannot update my synths. I have Mac OSX Panther and follow this procedure:

1. Save updater to the desk top
2. Insert synth installer CD
3. Launch corresponding updater
4. Opens the CS80 program and nothing else happens.  

No updates occur.

When I first purchased the Vintage Pack I tried
updating the CS80 by inserting the supplied update/bonus disc and clicking on the updater (there were no instructions on how to update). I
was not getting any results so I tried selecting "open with" and the CS80 program. This would only launch the CS80 program and no update would occur.

Now after getting instructions on how to update, I tried the above method. But it still only launches the CS80 program no matter which synth I try to update.

Then I tried selecting "open with" and the CD ROM installer. Still nothing.

Arturia tech support has ceased to be of assistance and will not reply.

On step 3 above, what should I open the updater with?

Any help would be appreciated.
Title: Update Problem
Post by: Sweep on August 19, 2005, 12:21:07 am
I had problems with this as well (in my case using a PC, not a Mac). I can't remember the exact nature of the problem I had, but I remember I wasn't able to use the supplied update disk either.

I logged onto Arturia's site and downloaded the update from there, and that worked. (BTW I'm on dialup, and it was still practical to download the update.)  I think I did that for both the CS80 and the MiniMg, but I'm not certain.

Hope this works for you.
Title: Update Problem
Post by: Jimzushi on August 19, 2005, 05:44:49 pm
Thanks for the reply, but I've already tried downloading the updates from the website.
Title: Update Problem
Post by: Jimzushi on August 28, 2005, 06:49:22 pm
I was able to finally update by installing and using decompression software (Stuffit).