Arturia Forums

Controllers => KeyLab MkII => KeyLab MkII - General Discussions => Topic started by: simonegiusti on November 28, 2020, 06:47:40 am

Title: MkII sysex messages
Post by: simonegiusti on November 28, 2020, 06:47:40 am
Sysex messages for MkII (controlling pad on/off, display ..) are the same as Mk1 as reported here:

I was wondering if there were new messages for new functions such as pads and buttons colors.

Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: simonegiusti on January 02, 2021, 09:30:44 am
This is what I found and I will share with you ...
( (
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: on September 17, 2022, 04:14:18 pm
this was helpful but still not enough for me. Could you please send us the whole document? I need Item ID list as stated in note #4 in the screenshot.
I would appreciate it.

Best Regards,
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: simonegiusti on September 17, 2022, 05:30:23 pm
this was helpful but still not enough for me. Could you please send us the whole document? I need Item ID list as stated in note #4 in the screenshot.
I would appreciate it.

Best Regards,

I am sorry, this is the only thing I found on this argument.
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: on September 19, 2022, 11:15:38 pm
thanks for the reply. Could you please let us know from where did you get that page?
Best Regards.
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: simonegiusti on September 20, 2022, 07:01:54 am
On Cantabile forum:

you can find other information on this forum:

Please share further details, if you find any ...
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: on September 20, 2022, 12:51:06 pm
Thanks a lot.
The second post I had seen before. I have asked Arturia to provide with the full MIDI SysEx implementation chart. Let't see if they send it to me.
My problem is to get feedback of button states (not only LED on/off/color) from a connected 3rd party device/software in user mode.
If I only change the LED but the button value does not have updated value if changed in 3rd party device/software then it sends the toggled value of its own local value.
I will update this post once I know more.
Best Regards,
Title: Re: MkII sysex messages
Post by: stanft on November 05, 2022, 03:03:18 pm
@Manouchehr: Did you ever get a reply or reaction from the Arturia Support regarding a sysex documentation? I'm currently building a remote controller script in Cubase 12 for my Keylab mkii ... and any sysex documentation would be really helpful.
