Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - General Discussions => Topic started by: brentmoreland on September 09, 2020, 02:59:01 pm

Title: Adjust all steps values together.
Post by: brentmoreland on September 09, 2020, 02:59:01 pm
How does one adjust the gate times of all active sequencer steps together?  On the BSP, if you hold shift, knob 1 will offset all step's values, and knob 2 will set the value for all steps.  I would like to adjust the gate time, velocity, or the randomness values for all of the active steps, similar to the way the MatrixBrute's Gate knob works.  I like that each step can be adjusted, but if I am making up a quick bass sequence, and I have 16 steps, it would be a lot easier to have a way to adjust them all together instead of having to go to each step.
Title: Re: Adjust all steps values together.
Post by: khidr on December 16, 2020, 11:54:08 am
it would be a great and much-needed feature. I hope it will be implemented in a new update!
Title: Re: Adjust all steps values together.
Post by: Edouard_Arturia on December 23, 2020, 09:26:22 am
Global offsets will be part of the 2.0 update  ;)