Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - Feature Requests => Topic started by: diesle55 on May 05, 2020, 12:40:14 am
I don't see a way to record the currently playing ARP to a sequence.
Yes please.. want to record arp to sequence, not just hold.. allow several chord arpegios to be played in sequencer and then edited or overdubbed
+1 this would be great. Only way to currently achieve this is to record the midi into another sequencer/DAW.
If you haven't already, open a ticket with this request. That adds more weight than a post here.
Signing up to say Arp to Sequence is top of my wish list too.
I did run a MIDI out to the in socket and set the "in" channel to record the other out. The synths went crazy for a bit, but it did work after switching the channels back.
Next time I'll just try the MIDI out to the DAW in, and record the arps there. Then record them back to the KSP later.
This is the number one feature for me to be added.
Or making the arp going on a sequenced chord
It makes zero sense not to include this.
+1; definitely!
It's really really a fundamentally useful way to sequence. Either this, or, as others have suggested, be able to arp from recorded chords. So, basically just being able to record chords into an arp, as most sequencers do
+9999 in fact
After Microfreak once got it every hardware arp/seq should have it!
+1 Signed up to the forums (hello world) to add a request for this obvious missing feature. The KeyStep Pro needs this functionality to take it's rightful place in the forefront of a modular setup. Preferably sequencing arpeggiator but basic arp recording (which could be chained) would also work.
Arturia devs, chuck this in the next release please.
Yeah. Hopefully this will be in the 2.0 firmware update.
Being able to use the one-key assignable chord function to record a sequence played by the arpeggiator. That'd be nice.
another person craving this!
the arp is an excellent way to fill in note data for a sequence really quickly
sometimes it's great to switch between "playing back the sequence" and "live jamming the arp over the top of everything"
but yeah, being able to record the arp would be amazing.
especially as you could then take things further and start turning steps on and off, playing with the probability of them etc.
I guess you could do this if you had 2 keystep pros running 1 into the other? but that sounds crazy.
Got my KeyStep Pro last week. Was a huge disappointment when I found out arp cannot be sequenced. Signed up just to +1 this feature request.
I can thin ok two scenarios:
- Record the chord or note I want to “feed” the arpeggiator on steps in a sequence, just like the elektron boxes
- ”render” a currently playing arpeggio as individual notes to current OR available free pattern
But I would settle for the first option 🙂
First request was on May 05, 2020.
Being able to record the arp into a sequence seems like something Arturia could've implemented by now. I wonder why they still haven't?
If there isn't Arp recording in the next update, i'll sell this KSP asap...
I don't even really use the arpeggiator because of this pointless limitation.
Isn't the arpeggiator more of a performance feature rather than something you want to record. If you use an arpeggiator and the sequence sounds good to you, you can simply just record the notes the arpeggiator would produce. Manually. Even in step mode it is super easy.