Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep Pro => KeyStep Pro - Feature Requests => Topic started by: collincrowe on April 22, 2020, 08:27:42 pm
When a sequence is still playing, and I punch in new notes to replace the existing notes ( not in overdub mode)
I feel like it should cancel out the existing notes while my keys are pressed down. The original keystep does a really great job at this and it’s a lot of fun improvising and evolving sequences.
Currently the Pro kinda gets messy sounding / garbly (especially on monophonic parts) when playing conflicting notes
When a sequence is still playing, and I punch in new notes to replace the existing notes ( not in overdub mode)
I feel like it should cancel out the existing notes while my keys are pressed down. The original keystep does a really great job at this and it’s a lot of fun improvising and evolving sequences.
Currently the Pro kinda gets messy sounding / garbly (especially on monophonic parts) when playing conflicting notes
i had the same problem and i was not sure if it is my unit.nice to know it is not my ksp.original keystep was working very well with that....another feature from the original keystep who does not work with the keystep pro.
Thank for reaching out.
Is your unit up to date?
Would it be possible to get in touch with the support with precise steps to help them reproduce the issue?
Thank you in advance.
I have the 1.1.7 build 473
Try this lemme know if it makes sense:
-(overdub mode off, mono or poly mode)
- record a few notes on a sequence
- hit record and try to play more notes, maybe long notes
-you’ll hear the old notes interrupt still playing overtop of your new notes
makes for poor transitions and I don’t really hear what I’m punching in accurately
On monophonic instruments, especially, it sounds garbly/wrong, but if you’re trying to fix a mistake or change a sequence it’s kinda stressful & non musical
If you compare this to the original keystep, You’ll see the difference. The old keystep does an amazing job punching in new notes.
same here on is defenitely a bug..
we are on 1.3.2 and we still have this issue.please arturia fix this
+1 bump pls !!!! I’ve already communicated this 2x to service and they agree