Arturia Forums

General => Free Speech => Topic started by: gilles_b on March 30, 2011, 07:59:28 pm

Post by: gilles_b on March 30, 2011, 07:59:28 pm
I listened to Spark's demos, I watched the video, and based on that, I could be tempted to go french rather than german (meaning I was even recently considering Maschine but now am ready to be -a little bit- patient).

The pros IMO :
-seems that it will be 64 bit from start, which is mandatory for me,
-has really interesting/good sounds and a good combination of sound engines + effect, with more character than Maschine,
-a good look.

The "potential" cons so far :
-beat slicing is (apparently) not included in v1 (seems to be a big shortcoming by today virtual drummachines standards...),
-there's no real clue about the software's features, its userfriendlyness/bugfreeness/stableness, and its daw's straigthtforward integration,
-no clue either about the midi controller's features,
-no release date, it could be 2 weeks or 6 months from now.

So, does someone (from Arturia or elsewhere) know better than me and can give details which might help wait for Spark ?
Post by: Sean W on March 30, 2011, 08:25:51 pm
There's more information regarding the features now at:

Regarding beat slicing, Spark is not a sample editor, but in addition to the included sampled instruments (which complements the Analog Modelling and Physical Modeilling instruments), it is very easy to import your own samples (up to 6 velocity layers per sampled instrument), and it is also possible to import REX loops.

Release date:
the first shipment of Spark is scheduled to be available in the USA by late April / early May.
Post by: gilles_b on March 31, 2011, 03:31:49 pm
Thanks Sean for your reply.

So, no slicing.... ok. A bit sad IMO, but not yet a showstopper.

I'll indulge myself in a few more questions if you will :
- firstly, the pads. The "german drummachine" often is praised for the quality its pads, which seem to be really top-notch for a pleasant, troublefree performance (sensitive, well conceived, no double triggering, no need to "overhit" them....) So does Arturia think that Spark's pads will be also mentioned soon as a definitive "pro" of the box ?

- the controller function. I did not find the guided tour totally informative about which components exactly of the box will be used as controllers (for example, will the FX pad be available, as well as the pads, as well as ALL the knobs) ? And how will the application work : by assigning CC numbers to the controllers, by midi learn... ?

- the Analog synthesis and Physical modelling : are they totally programmable (from scratch), or will the factory presets (with some tweaking) remain the only ones ever available ?

- the software : has it been tested with all the major current platforms, including Cubase 5, 6, and Sonar X1, thouroughly enough to be considered reasonably "bugfree" and stable for a v1 ? And will it be available from release in x64 version ?

- and finally the release date : you talked about late april/early may *for US*. Will Spark be out in the US first, then Europe, or vice verso ? (I for one am french !)

Thanks again,


Post by: gilles_b on April 02, 2011, 10:20:46 pm
Mmmhh, 4 days with no reply...

This is not really the best way to sustain interest, and gives more the feeling that either those questions have no easy answer yet (which is worrysome if release date really is so close), or that Arturia's everyday support is not that good.

A bit sad IMO : while Spark's demos do sound good, competition is definitely there and potential customers should be given more attention..... :-\
Post by: Sean W on April 04, 2011, 05:43:02 pm

Sorry if you feel you are not getting attention.
Arturia does not monitor the forums daily, (especially the Free Speech forum).

Please note that these forums are not primarily intended as a mode of communication with Arturia, but rather as a mean of communication with other Arturia users, as stated in the Forums opening page:
"Enter the Arturia Forums, where you can discuss with other users how to design sounds or exchange tips and tricks on using the instruments in the range.
Additional technical issues forums are provided for each product, where you can discuss related problems with other users. "

Furthermore, as you can see, there is not yet an open forum for Spark (there is a forum for Spark Beta Test, though, since Spark is ongoing extensive testing at this time).
Post by: Sean W on April 04, 2011, 10:13:42 pm
Please understand that Spark is not yet released and that more "official" information will be published on the Arturia website  this month.

In the mean time, I'll try to answer some of your questions here.

- the pads: Spark is a drum machine. Of course, Arturia has therefore designed the pads with that in mind. They are both velocity and pressure sensitive (for the rolls), and are backlit.
As for how they feel, it is hard to describe. Every manufacturer has slightly different pads. I worked for AKAI for a long time, and even every MPC models did not feel exactly the same.

- the controller function.

When the Spark controller is used with Spark software, there's no need to assign anything. Everything is mapped automatically (as it works with Arturia's Analog Experience keyboards series). All the controls of the hardware are directly interacting with the software.

When using Spark software with another controller (which will never be as closely matched as the Spark hardware), as with other Arturia software instruments, functions of the software can be mapped to MIDI CCs either by selecting a CC from a list, or by learning the incoming data from the controller.
In the current Beta version, all the 24 sound edit knobs, plus the Tempo, Loop Divide, Loop Position, Shuffle and Volume knobs, as well as all the mixer controls can be re-assigned.

When the Spark Controller is used with another software than Spark software, a small application called Spark MIDI Control Center allows reconfiguring the control messages that are sent out. Drum Pads and Switches can send either MIDI notes or CCs. Encoders and the Touch Pad can send MIDI CCs. This utility is also able to save and recall multiple configurations of the controller for different applications. (I believe there will be already some presets provided for other popular software, such as Live, ...)

- the Analog synthesis and Physical modelling :
Each instrument has its own set of up to 6 "key" parameters to edit the sound (in addition to the selectable filter and  mixer/fx controls). Those parameters are defined by the sound designers. For each instrument, the user can assign any of those parameters to the 3 sound edit knobs for this instrument on the control panel for real time control. (the other parameters are available in the Studio panel and can also be automated in the sequencer).
It might be possible to edit the Analog modelled sounds deeper in the future.

- the software : is currently in Beta Test and is being tested with major platforms. Semi-Public Beta testing, which started in February, has already helped to detect and correct early bugs. Extensive testing is ongoing until the official release, in order to provide a V1 that is as bugfree as possible.

64bit versions will be available from V1 on some platforms, but not all:
 64-bit on Windows VST (Cubase 5): Spark 1.0
 64-bit on Mac VST (Cubase 6) will be implemented but not for Spark 1.0.
 64-bit Audio Unit (Logic): Spark 1.0
 64-bit Standalone Application for Mac OSX: Spark 1.0
 64-bit Standalone Applicaton for Windows7 may be implemented but not for Spark 1.0
No 64-bit RTAS because Pro Tools is not 64-bit compatible.

- and finally the release date :
I can only speak for the US. Please note that this is when the production will arrive in the US, and it may take a little time before units are actually available in individual stores.
The shipping date for other countries should be announced very soon (this week, I believe).
Post by: gilles_b on April 05, 2011, 08:48:54 am
Please note that these forums are not primarily intended as a mode of communication with Arturia

Yes, sounds obvious now : 4 days indeed for a reply, which in 10 lines of text only gives a kind of "forum readme" and not a single answer to any of my questions.... :-\
Well, seems that people will have to wait for "official" details or third-party reviews...
Maybe after Messe ?
Post by: Sean W on April 05, 2011, 05:23:14 pm
I'm confused.  ???
Can't you see my reply to all your questions which is 1-page long?

By the way, the "4 days" included a week-end. I responded to your first inquiry the same day. Then you posted more questions on Thursday and got a full reply on Monday. I don't think that's an unreasonable response time. 
N'est-ce pas?

Post by: gilles_b on April 05, 2011, 05:38:45 pm
I'm sorry Sean,  and please accept my apologies :

indeed, for some reason I saw your 1st reply only, not the 2nd one : is it me not scrollling enough down the page, or my browser not having updated the display, I can't say.

Anyway, that was the only reason why I posted what I posted....

My bad really, so excuse me once again : you did give answers with a lot of detail, and I will now read them in-depth.

Now, I realize I can sound impatient, but this IMO can be explained : when I heard of Spark for the very 1st time a few days ago, it was by chance, and in fact at that very moment I was almost one click away from ordering "another" drummachine, very popular those days....
Spark demos and guided tour put a hold on this, but now I have to gather all the info I can about it in order to ease the wait, and resist the lust of the "instant gratification" that only an immediate purchase could bring...  ;)

Will Aturia be in Frankfurt to demo Spark ?

Post by: Sean W on April 05, 2011, 05:55:25 pm
Apologies accepted.   ;)
This is indeed quite a lot of excitement about Spark.

Yes, Arturia will be at Messe with Spark on Tomeso's booth (Arturia's German distributor):
Hall 5.1, booth B86
Post by: Sean W on April 06, 2011, 05:17:39 pm
As announced today on the Arturia home page (and in the Arturia Newsletter for those who subscribe):
Spark will be shipping worldwide on June 1st
Post by: Sean W on April 07, 2011, 03:36:38 am
64-bit on Mac VST (Cubase 6) might make it in Spark 1.0 after all. TBC