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Author Topic: BUG with editing poly/mono  (Read 1526 times)


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BUG with editing poly/mono
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:57:05 pm »
In the first minute of "serious" testing of AFE 2.5 (upgraded from 2.0) I already found a bug (using it as plugin in EnergyXT 2.5).

Let's start with the preset on the top of list (no attributes choosed). Preset is called SPLIF-PAD, used by Modular V (type: pad).
When you choose (and highlight) it, you can see few parameters on the right (below the picture of synth), also saying "POLYPHONY: 1".

Now, click on EDIT button on the right. You will get editing window with menus, where it says "1" for Polyphony and MONO.
Change this MONO to POLY. Click on OK to close the editing window.
Play the sound on keyboard - it's still monophonic. And you can still see "Polyphony: 1" on the right, below the picture.

Now, choose the second preset, which is 00-ZENNY_1.
Now chose again the previous preset SPLIF-PAD.
You will probably see on the right side that its polyphony changed to 8 or 4.

Click on EDIT.
In the editing window it says now Polyphony 8. While there is still 8 (or 4, as right now in my case) on the right side, below the picture of synth.

Open the menu to change from POLY to MONO again.
Well - you CAN NOT. because there is only UNISON and POLY in that menu now, althought there was also MONO option before.
So you can't change it to MONO any more.

OK, so you can still change the parameter of polyphony to 1. Do that in the box in menu and click on OK.
Click again on the second preset 00-ZENNY_1 and then back again on SPLIF-PAD. Play it. It's again polyphonic. In my case, there is again Polyphony: 4 on the right side (it was constantly 8 in few "sessions" before (from opening to closing AFE 2.5 and restarting it again)).
And there is again set Polyphony 8 in the editing window (not 4, as it says on the right side). So it was changed from 1 to 8 alone, althought I set it on 1 a moment ago.

Anyone else gets same problem as I do?



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