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Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => Beatstep Pro - General Discussions => Topic started by: Dean111181 on June 19, 2020, 09:12:26 am

Title: Step-record roller in drum tracks
Post by: Dean111181 on June 19, 2020, 09:12:26 am
I am trying to record drums at 1/16 into a step but cant get it to work, I own a Drumbrute Impact and the process on this is as simple as holding down the appropriate time-division button and pressing a step, however doing this on the BSP plays the rollered step as its played but doesnt save the four beats to one step as the DBI does, does anyone have any idea how to work around this? I dont really want to program the roller on my DBI as I have mapped my BSP to 12 drum parts from DBI and 4 from a Circuit and use my BSP to control everything.

Apologies if this is Day-One-of-School stuff, my already-thinning hair has took a doing this week trying to work this out!

Cheers Troops, all the best.

Title: Re: Step-record roller in drum tracks
Post by: megamarkd on June 20, 2020, 06:19:44 am
Unfortunately the BSP can't actually record a trigger for the roller like the Impact can.  It would be nice if it did, but I think the code for the BSP is pretty much maxed-out now with all the extra functions that have been implemented since its release.
Title: Re: Step-record roller in drum tracks
Post by: Dean111181 on June 20, 2020, 09:13:13 pm
Thanks megamarkd, that'll be why I can't get it to work then  :)

I have a DAWless setup (BSP, Drumbrute Impact, keystep, microfreak, Circuit, uno synth, crave) and I dont have enough hands to get round everything!!

Thanks again mate,

Title: Re: Step-record roller in drum tracks
Post by: megamarkd on June 21, 2020, 09:18:08 am
No worries, Dean.  I know that feeling of "if only I had an extra hand...I'm pretty sure my nose can hit that button though!"  I was thinking of how to solve your issue, there is a topic that discusses remote triggering the roller in the KSP subforum.  I only skimmed the topic so haven't enough knowledge on how to do it to explain here.  :-[  /me has been a bit slack lately on keeping abreast the Arturia Steppy stuff
Title: Re: Step-record roller in drum tracks
Post by: Dean111181 on June 21, 2020, 11:10:28 am
Excellent mate well appreciated, I will go and have a look just now and let you know how I get on, hope you have a good weekend megamarkd