Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => KeyStep => Keystep Technical questions => Topic started by: Defbones on October 19, 2017, 01:41:15 pm

Title: Is it possible to separate MIDI DIN & MIDI USB signals?
Post by: Defbones on October 19, 2017, 01:41:15 pm
Hello everybody,
I just bought a keystep one week ago and I like it a lot, but the point that is making me quite nervous is that when I plug my Volca FM in MIDI DIN, and control a VST via MIDI USB, the two signals are getting played at the same time ??? when I play with the keystep on MIDI channel 1. When I switch to MIDI channel 2, only the VST is playing... I've searched on the midi control center to resolve my problem, but i've failed... Does anyone knows how to split the two signals? Or is there a preset to modify in the volca?
Thanks for your answers  ;D