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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Please fix this very exciting machine : DO NOT go down the "smart device" route!  (Read 1961 times)

Button Pusher

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So I watched the review of the BSP on Sonic Lab youtube channel and was about to go out and buy one the same day, until I decided to put the breaks on and do some reading around on what actual users have to say....

Arturia, those of us who want a hardware sequencer want it because we DO NO want to rely on computers. We want a solid hardware tool that works as intended, and we don't want to enter the world of constant software updates and update reminders.

 If I buy a tool I expect it to work. I don't want an unfinished product and I don't expect to have to wait around just in case the manufacturer decides to fix it. Just because you can easily flash the firmware with a computer doesn't mean you should release an unfinished, buggy product. This is not the world of smart devices and constant software updates (touted as features) that may or may not fix/ break the device. An artist does not use a tool that works sometimes and is arbitrarily changed by the manufacturer. We don't want the software to bother us with annoying update reminders. We just want a tool that works reliably for what it's supposed to do!

In this case, keep rock solid timing and not destroy a performance or creative workflow by glitching/ crashing.

Please get it right because many of us can't wait to get this awesome thing working properly!

So, instead of frequent updates that fix very little, how about you, Arturia, take some time out to fix the bugs and implement the features most people want: Rock solid timing and sync, pattern chaining and pattern switching at the end of the bar or end of  pattern.  I mean, really?

I'm sure most uf us would be happy to pay more for this device if it was rock solid and had these basic features. Oh, and that USB port that is so flimsy it's already broken on many people's machines: sounds like you need a better manufacturer too!

Looking forward to it....
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 11:47:12 am by Button Pusher »


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"Frequent updates"??


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Started with the original firmaware...some bugs but at least it was mostly working. Not crashing often.
Was on Snow Leopard so I updated to Yosemite and installed MMC and latest firmware and then using the BSP was just too frustrating...loose clock/gate, crashed everyday, many times, double notes recorded in Logic X when I was using it as a MIDI controller to input MIDI notes, whilst in REC mode on the BSP random long notes would play even after I cleared pattern.

It makes me wonder if anyone even tested the firmware before they prompted users to download it.

Too many bugs at this point that need fixing before adding anything new...Apparently (according to some people on the facebook BSP group) there is a new firmware coming...I hope they get it right this time cause this is a brilliant piece of kit, on paper...but a nightmare in practice.

Now I see what people meant when they said "wait for 6 months before buying anything with software from Arturia".
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 06:10:32 pm by nectarios »


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