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Author Topic: About Storm 3  (Read 103325 times)


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About Storm 3
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2004, 01:56:39 pm »
You should erase this kind of insulting useless posts Sylvain !

If you do not want to pay 50 euros to buy the upgrade then do not buy it if you think it is unacceptable.

As far as I'm concerned, I will pay for the upgrade cause I always use Storm whatever I may compose and besides the new features are quite interesting ! But, in some way, I feel as if Arturia had forgotten their old customers  :cry: Though, never mind, I will always be here to support the work of this great developper team. At the moment, I'm just saving some money to buy the amazing CS80V, Mg modular V and MiniMg plugs  :twisted:

Keep up the great work  :!:

Virtually Yours


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About Storm 3
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2004, 03:16:32 pm »
50 euros in not the end of the world.

On the other hand, saying the 'lifetime free upgrade' was never there is a straight lie.
It should be very easy for you as a webmaster - to check the old versions of Arturia's Storm webpages, and you'll find the 'free upgrade' policy there plain and simple.

atchoum !

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I tell you the truth : i'm a liar !
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2004, 09:51:27 pm »
of course 50euro$ is not the end of the wolrd... and lies of these kind do not kill !
But the licenced stormers were promised to have free upgrades of the software... and saying the contrary is a lie !
Proof ? Do I read something like : "For all registered users: Updates of the studio and new modules free on our web site !! "
there :
or am I dumb ?


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About Storm 3
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2004, 03:20:52 pm »
Hi guys,

Well I think everyone can understand the policy. The modules added to storm since the first version were free and so were the updates.

Now the link you give do not promise free upgrade for life.
It seems quite logical  to me  that Arturia won't spend its time developping software that will be totally free.

If a printer company sells you an ink jet printer and says that cartidges will be available for everyone it does not mean that they will provide cartidges for life.

Well anyway may be there is a place where Arturia said that the upgrade will be free for life, I don't know. But the policy for Storm 3.0 is to make it cost 50 euros if Storm 2.0 is older than November 1st.

I'm sorry for those who were expecting more and I'm sorry if there was a lie.

Have a good day



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About Storm 3
« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2004, 03:58:25 pm »
i'm ready to pay $50, but I'dl ike to try demo first. There are some strange things going on... It makes me sad, Arturians. Peace.


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New version, demo, file corruption
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2004, 05:18:48 pm »
I still want to wait and see if the file corruption problems have been resolved. I encountered this problem on ALL platforms (Win 98, XP, Mac) and never got any response here about it. Trying a demo wouldn't help -- the problem was random and not reproducible, so it might not happen until after I've already bought the upgrade.

Lack of communication is frustrating. I'd be a lot more likely to upgrade if Arturia would have said something about this problem, and that it has been DEFINITELY fixed now. But I haven't seen a word here about it.


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About Storm 3
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2004, 06:31:34 pm »
I ordered Storm 3 because of the possibility to use more than four sound modules and I only used the demo of Storm 2 for a short time. I don't know about the problems, that occured there, but I agree with everyone, who wants more Information before buying or upgrading. I just believe in Arturia and I hope I will not be disappointed  :)

atchoum !

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About Storm 3
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2004, 08:49:45 am »
Well ! I remember Storm2 release period... we waited and waited again with the promise made for a really improved new version and finally, we get the upgrade for Storm2 for free !
But what a disappointement ! Storm2 was a piece of crap for which I wouldn't have spend half a penny ! even the time spent online to download the upgrade wasn't worse it !
So I sometimes still use Storm 1.5 to produce a loop or 2 and I have left far behind the hope for valuable upgrades. So I surely not upgrade to any money-costing newer version, as long as my good memory reminds me the "free ugrade for life" promise made few years ago that has been forgotten by you !
Now that I met Reason and Cubase (these people DO mind for their customers and the products DO work fine !)... and I will leave Storm for the children.
Sorry !


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About Storm 3
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2004, 10:01:25 pm »
For me, it is really hard to compare Arturia with the Propellerheads. I bought every Version of Reason and I will buy every update to come, because they are always great and real improvements.
And: Yes, I really do expect this from Strom 3, too. I hope that my copy will leave Arturia tomorrow, so I can judge as soon as possible, if it is worth to order. I am still optimistic.


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About Storm 3
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2004, 09:10:32 am »
Bon je vais pas la faire en anglais parce que ca me gonfle !

Je trouve le topic de ce forum et les remarques qui y sont contenues, totallement irrespectueuses envers le travail que Arturia fourni !!!

D'ou sortent ces guguss (pour ne pas employer le terme pignouf) qui croient pouvoir bénéficier de mise a jour gratuite a vie ???

C''est totalement anticommercial comme procédé et c'est simplement impossible. Faut pas regarder loin , si tout est gratuit qui va payer les pauvres petits devellopeurs d'Arturia ??? :)
Déja qu'il paraitrait qu'on les enferme dans une cave, attachés a leur chaise pour coder le logiciel ...

Pour parer a des remarques totallement débiles des users qui se manifestent aggressivement, a la place d'Arturia je repondrait,

Ta mise a jour de la 1.5 tu peux la faire a vie !
1.5 c'est 1.5
pas 3
donc tu mets a jour ta 1.5 et tu la ferme



ps: koukou didzadron !:)


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About Storm 3
« Reply #55 on: May 28, 2004, 09:13:41 am »
Je rajouterais !

Pour les pauvres gars qui se permettent des commentaires du genre "je vais passer a Cubase et Reason et laisser Storm aux enfants"

Laisser moi rire, mais alors la ! je me marre, parce que les mises a jours d'un cubase ou d'un reason, vous allez les sentir passer :)
on va voir si c du free for life .

et c autrement plus cher :)


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About Storm 3
« Reply #56 on: May 28, 2004, 03:22:40 pm »
My french is not that good, but I agree, that this permanent grumbling is no way to deal with a programm, you never used. I am sure that I will like Storm 3 the same way I like Reason 2.5, which is in fact much more expensive by the way.  :wink:
Sylvain, is it already shipping?


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« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2004, 02:37:51 pm »
Free for life means free for life.

As for the value of Storm, there's plenty of other equally good (and better) software around - much of it free. I am now using a FREE vst host and Free vsti with a FREE midi studio. With this I can create good music/samples which can be easily mixed via my FREE audio software.


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« Reply #58 on: May 29, 2004, 02:42:30 pm »
Forgot to say I also have a FREE Soundfont device which has given me access to an excellent (FREE) GM soundbank. I also have an excellent GM module of my PC's soundcard.


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About Storm 3
« Reply #59 on: May 29, 2004, 04:41:32 pm »
Never seen “adults” get so contorted over spending fifty bucks for an upgrade, regardless of vaguely-worded promises for which they can’t provide tangible evidence.

Who cares what Arturia promised three years ago? Did any of you ever try to run a software company? This looks to be a significant upgrade, and each of us either wants it or doesn’t.

If you want it, buy it, or wait for the demo and then decide. If you refuse to spend a tiny sum for a huge upgrade, that’s your problem. I’m sure Arturia is comfortable losing their non-paying customers.


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